Archive for the ‘90th Infantry Division Pic of the Week’ Category

Monday morning, and time for the 90th Infantry Division Pic of the Week.  Let’s venture back to the Battle of the Bulge.

Awesome weekend!  But Monday’s upon us, and time for the 90th Infantry Division Pic of the Week.  Today we travel back in time to Hof, Germany, where members of the 358th Infantry, 90th Infantry Division battle German snipers street-by-street, house-by-house. I love dissecting these period photos.  First, for all you weapons experts, is that a [...]

Good Monday morning to all!  Time for the 90th Infantry Division Pic of the Week.  This Monday we venture to Metz, France in late September 1944. Polish soldier, Miegbysav Mrozek (spelling), captured early on by the Nazis, tells Captain Herbert Ochmiche (spelling) of the 358th Infantry, 90th Infantry Division, of his experiences as a POW.  [...]

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