“10 Towns Fall in Battalion’s 54 Hour Blitz”.

Continuing with our period newspaper articles, covering the 90th Infantry Division in World War II, we bring you this little gem regarding the 3rd Battalion, 358th Infantry. Just came across the clip. The author and newspaper are unknown. Enjoy.

“10 Towns Fall in Battalion’s 54 Hour Blitz

“WITH THE U.S. 90TH INFANTRY DIVISION, Germany, Feb. 26–(Delayed)–A battalion in the 358th Infantry regiment, led by a captain new on the job and with many green replacements, captured 10 villages in 54 hours on the west bank of the Pruem River.

“Led by Capt. Charles B. Bryan, Johns Island, S.C., the battalion cracked resistance inside the Siegfried Line and overran enemy rear units, including a regimental headquarters. In a 10 mile blitz the outfit knocked out eight pillboxes and captured 450 prisoners. ‘We could hardly hold the boys back,’ said Lt. Byron Clark, Kansas City, Mo.

“Six Yanks cleaned out a village and captured 15 Germans. ‘In addition,’ said Major William Falvey, Knox, Ind., ‘they liberated a coop of fat chickens.’”

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