Remembering Pearl Harbor, and Dad.

Today, December 7, is best known as Pearl Harbor Day, and rightfully so.  Sixty-nine years ago today, the Japanese attacked the U.S. Naval installation at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, bringing us officially in to World War II.

But December 7 is special for me for another reason.  On December 7 , 1938, just three years before Pearl Harbor, my father, Robert McCoy was born.  He came into this world in a rented farmhouse in rural Indiana.  He showed me the place once or twice, though I’m not sure I could still find it today. He attended a one-room schoolhouse and picked onions to help the family get by.

He always had a love for history, and a good tale.  He told me how he used to like to hang out at the general store, just to hear the old farmers tell their stories.

Because of him, I also possess a passion for the past.  Without Dad, these books, the website and this blog would not exist.  For a time, before my kids came along, we would spend nearly every Saturday together, traipsing through a graveyard, visiting long-lost relatives or researching family history together.  Now, I wouldn’t trade those times for world.

Dad died this past summer.  So this Pearl Harbor Day, we not only remember the attack on Hawaii, but also Robert McCoy.  Rest in peace Dad, and thanks for the memories.

2 Responses to “Remembering Pearl Harbor, and Dad”

  1. How awesome that your Dad was born pre-Pearl Harbor Day and that he passed on his love of history to you who have given us the gift of expression. We have much in common with your father – the farm, the one room school house and an abiding love of this country and what it has gone through in the name of freedom.

    Today we have the 2nd greatest generation – the volunteer military!

    Thank you, McCoys – father and son.

  2. mikemccoy says:


    I appreciate the kind words. Thank you. Dad was a good one. That’s for sure.

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